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Swacia Japanese Language School

SWACIA, an International non-profit organization in New York, U.S.A, originally, started out as non-profit organization has ended its non-profit activities in February, 2019, and newly started as for-profit company to teach Nihon-go (Japanese language) online.  From March 2019 onward, the regular fee was administered to all students who study Japanese language. All the benefit students are getting is not just Japanese instruction itself, but its unique teaching method that made it possible for them to complete in approximately 60 hours.  It’s all too easy to mistaken its content as tawdry since so many other Japanese programs are showy and poorly made; however, students learn to study hard.  Importantly, they learn to conjugate more than 10,000 Japanese verbs correctly and automatically by simply memorizing the table of 19 model verbs. This will become a huge amount of materials, by continuously adding with new materials, multiplying within a short period of time. The value of the high standard Japanese covering the requirement of Japanese standard exams within a short period of time is well worth efforts no doubt priceless value.